Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The One After The Fire

So, it's been another year. Lots has happened. Most notably, my house burned down in a wildfire that destroyed over 1500 homes and nearly 50,000 acres. It has been the most unimaginably difficult thing I have ever endured.

I did actually finish a set of wedding invitations for some friends of mine who's wedding was last weekend. They turned out really well, but I will have to dig around to find a picture of them. I can't seem to find one, and the extra I made for me to keep... well... it burned with the rest of my house.

I will also post shortly the pictures of the thank you notes that a friend made for me to send to people who have generously gifted us to help out with the restocking process. They are super cute!

For now, though, here is a picture of what used to be our home. We have moved into a new house in a new neighborhood, but it will be a while before it really feels like home...